The south baseball team played LMS yesterday afternoon. Here are a few pictures of our South Side boys that are on the team. We are proud of them! Pictured are: Ezra Adams, Weston King, Silas Puckett, Maddox Robbins and Luke Harper. Keep up the good work boys!!!
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Montgomery
South Side baseball players
South Side baseball players
South Side baseball players
South Side baseball players
South Side baseball players
South Side Lady Mustangs Championship Shirts! Back to Back County Champs and Runner-up State Champs! Congratulations!
almost 2 years ago, Marty Johnson
championship shirts
Sweets, treats and drinks for our Parapros! South Side appreciates all that our Paraprofessionals do every day to make our school awesome! Happy Paraprofessional Appreciation Day!
almost 2 years ago, Marty Johnson
Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
The Henderson County School System is pleased to provide transportation for your child and solicits your assistance in helping create a safe and efficient operation. The bus driver is responsible for the safe operation of the school bus and the safety and discipline of bus students. The school bus is an extension of the classroom, and the principal will administer discipline with the assistance from the bus driver. Students must follow the Bus Conduct Codes established by the school district.
about 2 years ago, Henderson County Schools
Welcome to the 2022-2023 HCSD Board Members: Bobby Harrington Dennis Ray McDaniel Tommy Gordon Jeff Camper Steve Crownover John Walker Daniel Lewis
about 2 years ago, Henderson County Schools
Good morning from Henderson County Schools!
about 2 years ago, Henderson County Schools
Student doing homework