Mr. Alex Bell's Algebra II class is learning all about exponential growth and decay today!

Happy School Librarian Appreciation Day Mrs. Candace Minor! Thank you for everything you do for Scotts Hill High School.

Support you Scotts Hill Lion Pride Band, Middles School Band, and Theatre Department by buying a meal ticket to The Farmhouse! Tickets are $15 each and is good for Monday April 22 from 5-7pm! Go Lions!

ACT Update: Yesterday, the ACT test was given to the sophomore class, and a practice exam to the freshman class. During testing, we had a tornado warning and a power outage. Guidance from ACT said we could not proceed with the exam. This is because students lost time on the exam. We just got confirmation from ACT that we are approved to give the exam again tomorrow. Sophomores and freshmen will both be testing. The bell schedule will be the same as testing on Tuesday. When students arrive everyone needs to go to homeroom to check in. They will need to stay there until we announce for them to move to testing locations. Then freshman and sophomores need to report to their posted testing areas. If juniors and seniors are on campus they will go to the gym.
The schedule for the day is as follows:
1st lunch- 11:25-11:55 am (juniors and seniors)
2nd lunch- 12:00-12:25 pm (freshman and sophomores)
1st block- 12:30-1:00 pm
2nd block- 1:05-1:35 pm
3rd block- 1:40-2:10 pm
4th block- 2:15-2:40 pm
Attendance will be recorded starting in 1st block for students who are not testing.

Sophomores and freshmen, get plenty of rest, eat breakfast, and show up ready for the ACT tomorrow!

Boys and girls tennis teams defeated Augustine and Hardin County this week

Algebra 2: Doing career research and working on exponential equations while making a retirement plan

Class Ring. Senior Ring. Graduation Ring.
Whatever you call it, we’ve got you covered.
Ring packets have been given to students at school and extra packets are available in the main office.
Order Dates:
Thursday, April 4th at Lunch
$100 Deposit to order
Free Gift with ALL orders that are placed on order day(4/4)
See the newest collection of Class Rings and design your SHHS ring online
at www.balfour.com.
LETTER JACKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ORDER! View Jacket order information at www.scholasticmstn.com.

We are excited to see our students back today! :)

Ayers Celebration- May 8th!

We look forward to seeing our students back tomorrow!

Balfour will be at SHHS tomorrow to meet with the 10th grade class to give information about class rings. They will return on April 4th to take orders.

Donkey Basketball Fun to Support SHHS Project Graduation!

Henderson County Schools proudly announces Harold L. Hooper as the new head football coach at Scotts Hill High School.
Coach Hooper will be starting his 17th year as a football coach and has served as an offensive coordinator for the last several years at Jackson Christian and South Gibson High Schools. His teams have produced two Mr. Football Semi-Finalists (a quarterback and a running back) and one Mr. Football Finalist at quarterback. During the last four years, his offenses have achieved an average of 4000 yards and 48 touchdowns.
Harold and his wife Brittni have been married for almost 12 years. They have three children: Bryce (8), Logan (6), and Hunter (4). They are excited to be a part of Scotts Hill High School.

It is Report Card Day in Henderson County!

Congratulations to the SHHS cheerleaders!

Happy Spring Break!

Pi Day Fun 🥧

Hats off to all of our Pie-Eating Relay Race participants for being such good sports! They were troopers, even when on the verge of getting sick! Special shout out to our winners from the junior class-Bryant Pedraza, Robert Presley, Konnor McCadams, and Aiden Bridges! This was a tight race (and it was verryyy funny to watch)!

Our Mu Alpha Theta students worked so hard along with the math department to help everyone celebrate Pi Day today with matching shirts, Pi-themed competitions, allll the pie during lunch, and a pie-eating relay race to finish us out! Thanks so much to all our volunteers and everyone who donated pies! Congrats to Alex Thurston (1st place in the Pi-ku contest), Caylee Parker (2nd place in the Pi-ku contest), and Kayla Hatchett (1st place in the Pi-Day historical fact contest)!