CTE Human Studies Students focus on building Self-Esteem by learning skills in a sewing lab!

We are thankful for these ladies!!

Great job the SHHS Drama Club I their production of Aladdin, Jr. what a great turnout!

Scotts Hill High School will be on regular schedule Monday, April 22 and Tuesday, April 23. All students need to report to their 1st block class by 7:45 AM.

Juniors going on the ACT reward trip to the Adventure Park Nashville need to turn in permission slips by Monday, April 22nd.

Final Exam Schedule- Spring 2024

Calendar of Events!

ATTENTION 2024 Graduates! Tennessee Scholar and Work Ethic Distinction Applications are due by: April 30th
See Mrs. Branson in Room 110 for details or email branson.amanda@hcschoolstn.org

Reminder: There will be a dual enrollment meeting with UT Martin and Jackson State Tonight at 6 p.m. in the cafeteria. If your child is a sophomore or junior and they are interested in dual enrollment, please attend to hear what they have to offer.

FBLA competed in the State Leadership Conference in Chattanooga last week. 6 of our students were invited to attend Nationals in the Summer.

Good luck to our students!

Parents and students: Please see the EOC testing and bell schedule attached! EOCs are beginning next week, on April 16th. Please familiarize yourself with these documents.
Also note that on Monday, April 22nd, and Tuesday, April 23rd, we will be on our regular bell schedule! All students will report to school at 7:45 a.m. on those days!

Seniors: Vocational Rehab will be at the school tomorrow from 10-11 to speak with you all about different scholarship opportunities and programs they offer for when you continue on post secondary. Please attend if you can!

We are proud of you ALEX! :)

Scotts Hill High School FBLA at State Convention in Chattanooga, TN

Thank you FBC of Lexington

Just a reminder to get your solar eclipse permission form signed. We will have a snow cone & Italian ice truck on campus as well!

Student Highlight: Joe Jackson is a great addition to the Theater Department at SHHS! He will be playing a guard in the upcoming production of Aladdin, Jr. The next time you see Joe, make sure to ask about his role. He is so excited about his role and so are we to have him!

Just a reminder about solar eclipse day on Monday! We will have a snow cone truck & Italian ice truck here as well!! $4 for snowcones and $ 4 for small Italian ice!

We are excited to have our Academic Awards Day on Sunday, May 5th at 3:00 in the SHHS gym. Family is encouraged to attend.