Henderson County is EXCITED to announce that we have been granted two additional VPK
classrooms. We are adding VPK at Scotts Hill Elementary and Westover Elementary!
Henderson County is currently accepting applications for PreK at ALL 7 elementary schools.
Please come by the Henderson County Board of Education to complete your application.
35 East Wilson Street
Lexington, TN
*** If you registered in March, it is not necessary to register again. Email mcdaniel.casey@hcschoolstn.org
if you would like to move your registration to Westover or Scotts Hill Elementary. ***
When registering for Voluntary PreK please remember:
• The child must be 4 years old by August 15, 2022.
• The parent must complete an Income Eligibility Form
• The parent must complete an Application.
• Two (2) proofs of County Residency (E-911 Address) Ex: electric bill, water bill, etc. are required
• Please provide a Birth Certificate. *Children born in Tennessee can obtain a certified birth certificate from the
Health Department.
• Social Security Card (requested)
• Proof of Physical Examination (within 1 calendar year)
• Proof of Immunizations on a Tennessee Certificate of Immunization form from the Health Department or a
Physician’s office
• Proof of income (One of the following: pay check stub, W-2 form, Income tax return, or proof of food stamp
eligibility – SNAP
***PreK is an income-based program and first priority will go to those families that qualify.
***Completing the Henderson County PreK Application Packet does not necessarily guarantee enrollment in the PreK
Program. Non-income eligible students will NOT be notified until after school has started.
***Non-income eligible students are placed on a waiting list once all paperwork is complete. Once all qualifying
students are placed, non-qualifying students will receive notice informing them of their status as soon as possible after
the beginning of school.
If you have any questions, call Janet Hays or Casey McDaniel at 731-968-3661.