Attention Juniors: Permission slips for the ACT trip are due to Mr. Flesher on Tuesday, April 25th!
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Coffman
Mrs. Comer & the yearbook staff have done a GREAT job this year! We can't wait for you to see!!!
almost 2 years ago, Brandy Eason
Senior Meeting on Monday!
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Coffman
Senior Meeting April 24th
The Scotts Hill High School Drama Club entertained our student body today with a show stopping (#iykyk) performance!!! They will present their showing of Seussical, Jr. both Friday April 21 and Saturday April 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the SHHS Cafetorium ($5 per person). Don't miss out!
almost 2 years ago, Brandy Eason
Seussical the Musical
Seussical the Musical
Seussical the Musical
Seussical the Musical
Seussical the Musical
almost 2 years ago, Brandy Eason
Softball Tryouts
Come one, come all! From the smallest of the small to the tallest of the tall! The Scotts Hill High School Drama Club will present their showing of Seussical, Jr. both Friday April 21 and Saturday April 22 at 6:30pm. The showing will be in the SHHS Cafetorium, $5 per person!
almost 2 years ago, Brandy Eason
Register NOW for Little Lions Football Camp at SHHS May 30-June 1
almost 2 years ago, Brandy Eason
Click below for an easy-to-follow tutorial for the new Henderson County Schools app!
almost 2 years ago, Henderson County Schools
Please see info pertaining to dance tryouts!
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Coffman
Dance Tryouts
See below for information on ordering pictures from prom.
almost 2 years ago, Brandy Eason
Prom Pictures
Attention SENIORS
almost 2 years ago, Brandy Eason
Graduating with State Honors and State Distinction will be determined after senior grades are finalized (no application required). For assistance applying & uploading documentation to be considered for Work Ethic Distinction, please see Mrs. Brandy or Mrs. Branson.
almost 2 years ago, Brandy Eason
It's time for dance tryouts!
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Coffman
Dance Tryouts
Congratulations Carson Cooper and Gabe Avalos! They finished 11th out of 250 high school teams across the nation. This qualifies them for the Bassmaster High School Championship!
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Coffman
Congratulations Carson Cooper and Gabe Avalos! They finished 11th out of 250 high school teams across the nation. This qualifies them for the Bassmaster High School Championship!
Welcome SHHS Dance Coaches Katy Hendrix and Holly Wood!
almost 2 years ago, Stephanie Coffman
Welcome SHHS  Dance Coaches - Ms. Katy Hendrix and Ms. Holly Wood
Scotts Hill High School will celebrate and recognize graduating seniors in the football stadium (weather permitting) at 7:00 p.m. on May 11, 2023. Graduation Practice will be held on Monday, May 8, with a final run-through on Wednesday, May 10. Caps & gowns will be distributed at graduation practice on the 8th, and the Ayers Foundation will host a celebratory breakfast for seniors on May 10th before graduation practice. More information will be coming soon pertaining to senior expectations and graduation tickets.
almost 2 years ago, Brandy Eason
SHHS Graduation 2022
Mark your calendars for April 15th! This will be our first greenhouse sale of the year for our SHHS FFA Chapter. Our students have been working hard all semester to produce some beautiful blooms and foliage for you! We look forward to seeing you then. For more information, please contact Madison Edgin, FFA Advisor, at Follow the Scotts Hill FFA on Facebook to stay in the know on the great things happening on The Hill with agriculture.
almost 2 years ago, Brandy Eason
FFA Greenhouse Sale April 15
FFA Greenhouse Sale April 15
FFA Greenhouse Sale April 15
FFA Greenhouse Sale April 15
FFA Greenhouse Sale April 15
FFA Greenhouse Sale April 15
FFA Greenhouse Sale April 15
FFA Greenhouse Sale April 15
FFA Greenhouse Sale April 15
For more information regarding test content or how to best prepare for the EOC, please contact the teacher(s) for each course.
almost 2 years ago, Brandy Eason
EOC Testing April 18-27
Good afternoon from Scotts Hill! Have a great day
almost 2 years ago, Henderson County Schools
Parent outdoors with children
The Henderson County School System is pleased to provide transportation for your child and solicits your assistance in helping create a safe and efficient operation. The bus driver is responsible for the safe operation of the school bus and the safety and discipline of bus students. The school bus is an extension of the classroom, and the principal will administer discipline with the assistance from the bus driver. Students must follow the Bus Conduct Codes established by the school district.
about 2 years ago, Henderson County Schools