We're sure proud of our Lady Lions and their hard fought battles at the state tournament this year!

Good luck, ladies!!!!!!

Scotts Hill Softball defeated Hillcrest 30-0 to advance to the spring fling in Murfreesboro next week!

Baseball Camp registration is now OPEN!!! See details below & register online at https://hendersoncountytn.sites.thrillshare.com/o/shhs/page/baseball.

We're excited to see all of the talented athletes from across the county show out this year! We can't wait to welcome our future Lions & Lady Lions!!! If you have questions about tryouts, please visit the individual athletics page for your sport & reach out to the coach.

Announcing our 2023-2024 SHHS Cheer Team! Congratulations, ladies!

Come Out and support the Scotts Hill Lady Lions Softball Team as they hold a fundraiser at Zaxby's in Lexington TONIGHT from 5:00-8:00 ! A percentage of all orders will be given to the Lady Lions as they get ready to go to STATE!

Snowcone Day 2023 was a HIT!! We've worked their brains all year, now, we apparently tried to FREEZE them! We're thankful for our local partner, Paradise Ice, and that we could celebrate a good yeartoday. Even the faculty enjoyed their favorite flavors! Work hard.... play hard.

Registration EXTENDED through THIS FRIDAY, May 19!!! Register NOW online at https://hendersoncountytn.sites.thrillshare.com/.../football
We look forward to helping your little lions on the way to be the best players they can be & develop a deeper love for the game!

Please turn in chromebooks to homeroom teacher !

It’s TRYOUTS TIME for SHHS Lady Lions Soccer!
Let’s build and grow together ladies!
*Contact Teri Kapp at 731-206-0452 if alternate arrangements need to be made.*

Our Biology department has been BUSY lately! Mrs. Lyons is new to us this year and has hit the ground running. Here, her students are making a model of a generic cell. They have to include the structure and function of the different cell parts for an animal and a plant cell.

*****UPDATED Softball Tryout Date*****

Frog dissection... the NUMBER ONE most anticipated and celebrated activity that takes place in Mrs. Mooney's BIOLOGY classroom. Sadly, this is Mrs. Mooney's last lab to lead, but we wish her well in her retirement! What a great group to round out the year!

Congratulations to Will Christlieb and Alex Marshall for finishing as runners-up in the Region Tennis Tournament. Also, congrats to Luke Ledbetter for making the Freed-Hardeman Tennis Team!!! We're so proud of you all!
Thanks to Coach Woolard for a great season!


Congratulations... FBLA is sure to have a great year!

Attendance will still be taken through Wednesday, but tardies/absences will not count toward having to take finals. Only students that need to take finals will attend on the dates listed below.

⚽️Good luck today, boys!!!⚽️

Congratulations, girls!!!