Congrats to our SHHS golf team! Both boys and girls won yesterday, with Oakley Blankenship being the low medalist. Way to represent The Hill!
over 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
Join the Spirit Club today!!!
over 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
Congrats to SHHS golf! The boys beat Perry County yesterday by 3 strokes and the girls lost by two strokes. Oakley Blankenship was the low medalist in the girls with a 41 & Jace Cope was low medalist for the boys with a 46.
over 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
5.Quick.Things.To.Learn.About.Rooms.For.Parents.&.Students #rooms101 #5quicklessons
over 1 year ago, Henderson County Schools
We want YOU in BETA! See the flyers below for more information!
over 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
beta 2
Mrs. Angie & Ms. Taylor's classes enjoying cooking class this morning! They are making salisbury steak, potatoes, & carrots.
over 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
star classroom
This form is coming home to your students today! If you still are not enrolled in rooms, do this ASAP. Please fill this out & return to SHHS
over 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
SHHS has received two new vehicles through the Innovative School Models Grant! Pictured are Principal Adam Wood, Career Counselor Chase Qualls, and Assistant Principal Whitney Crider.
over 1 year ago, Henderson County Schools
Our golf team is representing SHHS well this season! Thanks to Coach Cliff Anglin for the picture
over 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
golf team
Congrats Jo Howard on being the medalist in today's match!
over 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
Way to go SHHS football!
over 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
We are excited to begin "spotlighting" each of our excellent Henderson County Schools next week!! We have schools full of outstanding teachers, staff, and students! Enjoy!
over 1 year ago, Henderson County Schools
There was an incident on Old Reagan Road involving law enforcement and bus 3 did not run down that road. Bus 3 is going to loop back around and get all the kids. It will just be later.
over 1 year ago, Adam Wood
Excited for our 28 LHS and 10 SHHS Juniors that began Middle College together today at the Lexington JSCC campus! Good luck to each of you!
over 1 year ago, Henderson County Schools
Picture Day this Thursday, August 24th!
over 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
Parents /Guardians... please be certain you have enrolled in your student's "Room" for all things communication with teachers, sports, clubs, school administration, nurses, and more! Contact your school if you have questions about being enrolled.
over 1 year ago, Henderson County Schools
We said goodbye to Officer McClerking today. Thank you for 17 years of service with us at Scotts Hill High School. #alwaysalion
over 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
See y'all tomorrow night!! 🖤💛
over 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
Congrats to the boys golf team! Hunter Martin was the low medalist with a 41! The defeated Riverside & Perry County!
over 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
Permission slips are due ASAP for seniors who are going on the ACT trip. Please turn those in to Mr. Flesher as soon as you can!
over 1 year ago, Adam Wood