National FFA Week!!!
about 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
Congrats to the LADY LIONS on being DISTRICT CHAMPIONS on Saturday & to the LIONS on their win tonight!!! Both District Champs!!!! First time since 2010!!! Big things happening at The Hill! 🖤💛🏀🖤💛🏀
about 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
February is TEEN DATING VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH. Friday, February 16th 2024 at 1pm more than 150 students at Scotts Hill High School participated in a WALKOUT to raise awareness. SHHS FCCLA (Family Career Community Leaders of America), HOSA (Health Occupational Students of America) and Henderson County Teen Health Council members led activities all week. The fact is 1 in 10 high school students face dating violence and if you’re in a similar relationship, you now know; You are not alone. You are deserving of a healthy relationship. If you or someone you know needs support the National Teen Dating Abuse helpline number is 1-866-331-9474 and for adults who want to break the cycle the National Domestic Violence Hotline is 1-800-799-7233. Join SHHS this month and help “BREAK THE SILENCE & END THE VIOLENCE” #relationshipgoals #TDVAM For the full story see next weeks edition of the Lexington Progress…
about 1 year ago, Amanda Branson
Lots of fun for our students today!
about 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
We had a great time today with Mr. John Fannin during band class today at The Hill! He gave the band some great feedback as well as some things to work on for mastery! Thanks for coming out and well done band!
about 1 year ago, Jordan Ashby
SHHS band
SHHS band
SHHS band
SHHS band
SHHS band
SHHS band
SHHS band
SHHS band
Vote Julie for girls' athlete of the week! In addition to scoring 29 points in our final regular season game last week at Riverside, Julie set a new Scotts Hill High School record for the most three-pointers in a single season with 72, beating the record of 71 previously held by former Lady Lion Crystal Eason!
about 1 year ago, Michaela Walters
Happy Valentine's Day from everyone at SHHS!
about 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
SHHS FCCLA, HOSA & Teen Health Council work February 12-16th to kick off Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month at "The Hill". Members are sharing facts during morning announcements and planning incentive activities for teachers. Students join us between 1 & 2 break at the Lions head for pictures daily. For more information check out Abi Petty's display outside room 300!
about 1 year ago, Amanda Branson
Day 1-2 TDVA
Congratulations to the band students representing Scotts Hill High School at the 2024 All-West Convention! Participants were Alyssa Hayes, French horn and Mattie Skelton, Bass clarinet. Alternates Julius Bielinski, Bari Sax, Grace Crawford, Clarinet, and Will Vineyard, Guitar.
about 1 year ago, Jordan Ashby
2024 All-West
2024 All-West
2024 All-West
The SHHS band had UTM Band Director Dr. John Oelrich come and give help to the students preparing for their upcoming Concert Assessment in Memphis on March 8th! Thanks for coming down Dr. Oelrich!
about 1 year ago, Jordan Ashby
Dr. Oelrich and SHHS Band
Dr. Oelrich and SHHS Band
Dr. Oelrich and SHHS Band
Dr. Oelrich and SHHS Band
Dr. Oelrich and SHHS Band
Dr. Oelrich and SHHS Band
2024-2025 District Calendar
about 1 year ago, Henderson County Schools
MEET THE LIONS! MARCH 7TH! Come out and meet our players and eat dinner with us!
about 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
meet the lions
Tennessee College of Applied Technology appreciates the Scotts Hill High School Career and Technical Teachers.
about 1 year ago, Paula Hughes
We want to send a special thank you to our school counselors in the Henderson County School District. We appreciate everything that each of you do! National School Counseling Week, sponsored by the American School Counselor Association, is celebrated February 5-9, 2024, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within United States school systems and how students benefit as a result of school counselors. National School Counseling Week highlights school counselors' tremendous impact in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. This week honors school counselors for being actively engaged in helping students examine their abilities, strengths, interests, and talents; for working with parents as they encounter the challenges of raising children in today’s world; for focusing on positive ways to enhance students’ academic, career, and social/emotional development; and working with teachers and educators to provide an educational system where students realize their potential and set healthy, realistic, and optimistic aspirations for themselves. School counselors are certified, experienced educators with a master’s degree in school counseling. The combination of their training and experience makes them an integral part of the total educational program. Henderson County is fortunate to have school counselors to work with all students to remove barriers to learning by addressing students’ academic concerns, career options, and social/emotional skills. Henderson County School Counselors believe that every child who enters the doors of a Henderson County School is to be treated with respect and dignity and receive the help they need to become a better person. Henderson County School Counselors are the voices of all children in pursuing their dreams and receiving a high-quality education to become productive citizens. The mission of Henderson County School Counselors is for ALL students to receive academic, career, and social/emotional services and support to encourage all students to dream and achieve individual success for future endeavors. Henderson County School Counselors are: Bargerton Elementary – Shelly Russell; Beaver Elementary– Donovan Croom; Lexington High – Carol Burroughs, Cindy Eason, Jonna White; Pin Oak Elementary – Becky Cole; Scotts Hill Elementary – Haylie Hickerson; Scotts Hill High – Brooklyn Dennison, Lori Maness; South Haven Elementary - Warren Powers; South Side Elementary– Teresa Nowell; Westover Elementary – Tolena Bomer, Haley Noles; and Special Education Counselor – Carolyn Weatherford Hayes.
about 1 year ago, Henderson County Schools
We are thankful to have Mrs. Lori and Mrs. Brooklyn at SHHS! Happy School Counseling Week!
about 1 year ago, Whitney Crider
Don't forget that tonight is Homecoming on The Hill! We'd love to see this place packed out with the Black & Gold! Homecoming festivities start at 5pm and the girls game tips off at 6pm. We hope to see you tonight! Come ready to be loud and proud!
about 1 year ago, Adam Wood
Basketball Homecoming Day 3 Faculty - Student Basketball Game The Faculty WIN!!
about 1 year ago, Paula Hughes
2024 Homecoming Faculty-Student Basketball Game
Homecoming - Day 3 Class Spirit, Decorations & Banners
about 1 year ago, Paula Hughes
2024 Basketball Homecoming Spirit Day
2024 Basketball Homecoming Activities Day 2
about 1 year ago, Paula Hughes
SHHS Homecoming
Lots of things going on at The Hill!
about 1 year ago, Whitney Crider