The Scotts Hill Drama Club held their successful debut performances of Seussical, Jr. under the direction of Mr. Jordan Ashby, Mr. Luke Jowers, and Mrs. Emily Ashby on April 21 and 22, 2023.
The students really enjoyed getting to work on their characters and getting to act silly while in a performance setting. Everyone showed great professionalism throughout the entire show process. Pictures from the performance can be viewed HERE.
The Scotts Hill Drama Club is made up of students that take the class during the spring semester which is combined with the choir program and students who do not take the class but enjoy theatre and vocal performance. The Drama Club will continue other showcase performances at Scotts Hill Elementary on April 28 at 1:30pm and Scotts Hill High School during the last concert of the year featuring the Drama Club, Choir, Percussion Ensemble, and both Scotts Hill Elementary and Scotts Hill High School Concert Bands, at 6:30pm.