On Thursday, March 14, Bargerton School inducted fourteen students into the National Beta Club. Congratulations to each of these students who have demonstrated excellence in character, achievement, leadership, and service. LHS Beta Officer, Ms. Maddie Lemmings, was our guest speaker for the ceremony. 

The following students were inducted into the Bargerton Beta Club on Thursday, March 14, 2023: Elementary Division - Bentley Chaney, Jaxon Coffman, Noah Davila, Dylan Durst, Brantley Furlow, Bricen Furlow, Haley Goodman, Jasen Jowers, Case Pratt, and Robbie Scranton
Junior Division-Robert Daws, Marleigh O'Connor, Aiden Pirtle, and Royal Schuerenberg
We are so proud of all of these students and their hard work!