
The Henderson County Special Olympics was held on Monday, May 6th at LHS gym.    The day started with a Parade of Schools followed by the National Anthem sung by one of our students.  Schools taking part in the day were Lexington High School, Scotts Hill High School, Scotts Hill Elementary, Westover Elementary, Bargerton Elementary, South Side Elementary, Caywood Elementary, and Lexington Middle School.  LHS Beta Club members partnered with a special needs student to be their person for the day.  The games began with the long jump and 100-yard dash.  Every special needs student participated and received ribbons while standing on the podium and having their picture taken.  After the games, all the students participated in a dance party.  Lunch was provided by the Special Education Dept., which included cheeseburgers from McDonalds, chips, snack cakes, and drinks.  After lunch, Brantley Smith brought his equipment and donated his time to set up stations with activities so the students could have lots of fun while moving from station to station.  There were lots of smiles and high-fives.  Thank you to all who participated, helped, watched, and donated to our very special day.