Lexington High School junior Sadie Todd, daughter of Raleigh and Julie Todd, was elected to one of the highest and most prestigious positions at this year’s Volunteer Girls State, a program of the American Legion Auxiliary. This nonpartisan program has been offered annually, since 1947, to Tennessee’s rising high school seniors and is centered on citizenship, teamwork, and fostering a love of God and country. ALA Volunteer Girls State provides young women in Tennessee the opportunity to learn about state government and how they can positively affect their communities at home through active citizenship and informed voting. Much of the week is spent learning by creating a mock government. All citizens of the state of Volunteer are divided into two political parties, 14 cities, seven counties, and seven legislative districts. From the first day of ALA VGS and throughout the week, citizens develop city, county, and state mock governments and have the opportunity to run for or be appointed to offices in all of these levels. As a possible candidate, you will petition, give speeches, address true-to-life issues and interact with your constituents. Sadie Todd was elected to the supreme court, one of the two highest positions at Volunteer Girl’s State!
When Sadie was asked about her experience, she gave this heartfelt response, “Girls State was definitely an eye-opening experience for me. I was amazed at how much time I “waste” each day because the days there are crammed full. I found that I can step out of my comfort zone and achieve much more than I imagined. I learned that you can find “your people” anywhere! Going into Girls’ State, I figured I would just be a spectator on the sidelines, but I changed my mind and decided to give it 100 percent. The citizens of my town elected me as their City Judge, and I swore in the city officials. I was then promoted to appellate court judge where we decided on different court cases. Then I had to write a letter explaining why I would be a good Supreme Court Justice nominee and write a speech to give in front of 600 girls if I was even chosen as one of the nine nominees. I am not comfortable with public speaking but I did it anyway. What you put into Girls’ State directly relates to what you get from it. I was selected by all the citizens as one of the 5 Supreme Court Justices and enjoyed the cases we ruled on. I learned so much about government, but I learned even more about myself this week.”
The mission statement of the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) states: “For God and Country we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor our youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace, and security.”
Congratulations, Sadie! We are certainly proud of you!!