Elementary Curriculum & Instruction Supervisor
District Textbook Coordinator
Curriculum & Instruction
The Henderson County Schools Department of Curriculum and Instruction is supervised on the elementary level by Dr. Janet Hays and the secondary level by Dr. Mike Bevis. This department is responsible for implementing curricula that will meet the educational standards set by the state department of education for all Henderson County schools.
It is responsible for selecting instructional materials, such as textbooks, workbooks, and educational software, that support the curriculum and enhance the learning experience. It also provides training and professional development opportunities for teachers to ensure they have the skills and knowledge needed to effectively implement the curriculum and use the chosen instructional materials. This department is responsible for assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of the curriculum and instructional materials. This includes evaluating student achievement and identifying areas for improvement.
The HCS Department of Curriculum and Instruction consists of the following staff:
Casey McDaniel, District Academic Coach
Karla Morris, District Data Coach
Contact Information
Dr. Janet Hays
Dr. Mike Bevis
High School Curriculum & Instruction Supervisor
District Personnel Director
System Testing Coordinator
District Evaluation Supervisor