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Katy Middleton

SHHS Dance Team consists of one squad that dances for most home football and basketball games. The ultimate responsibility for Dance Team members is to compete to her highest level of potential and promote school spirit by demonstrating a positive attitude at sporting events along with the ability to learn dances and perform at her very best. The mission of the SHHS Dance Team is to create a positive and supportive team atmosphere. We encourage our dancers to become great athletes, students, and young women. We will make decisions based on the best interest of the team. We will show mutual respect and have open communication among all dances and players. Our primary focus will be on dancing and developing a program that will promote each dancer’s successful reputation.

SHHS Dance Team will dance for most all of the Varsity Football and Varsity Basketball home games. The dance team will participate in several fundraising opportunities for our girls throughout the school year.


  • Tryouts are held in the spring of each year. Tryout dates/times will be posted on the Scotts Hill High School-TN
    Facebook page and online at

  • Dance routines will be taught during week leading up to tryouts.

  • After tryouts, if a student makes the team, she will be contacted by the coach later that day.

The cost for dance is ONLY an estimate of $1,200-$1,600 per year. Every dance team member is REQUIRED to attend the dance camp each summer – NO EXCEPTIONS. Summer camp is no longer than one week, and dates will be announced following tryouts so members have time to plan.

2022-2023 Dance Team
