Student Council
Jonna White- Sponsor
Our purpose is to promote the general welfare of the student body, stimulate the spirit of cooperation between the students and the faculty, build community involvement and awareness, develop leadership, and create a deeper appreciation for the democratic form of government.
The Student Council organizes and assists in many school and parent night events at Lexington High School.
Community service projects include the following Henderson County Service Organizations: Lexington Lions Club, CASA, Henderson County Relay for Life, Henderson County Special Olympics, Civic League, and other community service events as needed.
The Student Council takes an annual trip to Land Between the Lakes for a leadership retreat.
Student Council officers are responsible for planning, organizing, and executing both Football and Basketball Homecoming.
How do I join?
The Student Council is chosen by election. There will be a period of campaigning, followed by the voting for all offices by your peers. Elections are held at the beginning of August.
How much does it cost?
The fee to join Student Council, if elected, is $170. This includes the cost of a weekend retreat.