Health Occupations Students of America
Lindsay Young- Sponsor
Lindsey Lovins- Sponsor
HOSA is a student-led organization that encourages students to become leaders in the health community, through education, collaboration, and experience. HOSA promotes career opportunities in the health industry and enhances the delivery of quality health care to all people.
We raise money to donate to St. Jude
We take various educational field trips throughout the year such as a tour of St. Jude, Union University Nursing & Pharmacy facility, and Jackson General Hospital tour.
How do I join?
Open enrollment is held at the beginning of the school year during the month of August. All students who are enrolled in a Health Science course, Fall or Spring semesters, are eligible as well as members from the previous year.
How much does it cost?
Dues are $14 and are to be paid during open enrollment.