Cara Beecham- Coach
The dance team performs various types of routines such as Pom, Hip Hop, Jazz, and High Kick.
Perform at home football, basketball games and pep rallies.
Perform at local community events
Participate in a couple community service projects.
How do I sign up, tryout, or join?
Tryouts are held in the spring of each year. Girls who make the dance team have to try out again each year. There will be a try out information meeting in early April, with tryouts to follow within the next two weeks. Specific dates to be determined.
To be eligible you must be in grades 9-12 in the coming school year, have and maintain a 3.0 (B) GPA, complete all information in the tryout packet and return to Mrs. Britt by the deadline marked on the packet forms.
8th grade students wanting a tryout packet can email me at or come to the school two weeks before the try out date that will be communicated via social media.
How much does it cost?
The cost for a new dancer is estimated to be $1,200-$1,500 for the first year and returning dancers is $800-$1,000 each year after. Dancers have mandatory fundraisers to help with the cost. The number of fundraisers and the profit of each are determined by the Coach/Sponsor. Each girl is responsible to pay for any remaining balances they have.