Beta Club
Nicki Johnson- Sponsor
Mary Woodall- Sponsor
Jaivel Walker- Sponsor
Jenny Gibson- Sponsor
The National Beta Club is well known among educational institutions as THE club for the most successful students and citizens. The mission of the club is to promote achievement, character, leadership, and service.
Monthly meetings
Participate in community service events
Tennessee State Convention at Opryland Convention Center. Competition opportunities include G
roup Talent, Show Choir, Political Campaigns, Visual Arts, Quiz Bowl, Public Speaking, Character Skit, Scrapbook, Living Literature, Banner, Math, English, Social Studies, Science, Spanish, Agriculture, and much
How do I join?
Applications for membership will be available online in late March at To qualify for acceptance you must have a 93 or above overall average, be in good standing with discipline, and complete the application before June 1. New members will be notified the first week of July and inducted in August.
How much does it cost?
Annual membership dues are $25. This covers the cost of your national membership and club shirt.