Band/Color Guard

Alan Jones- Director

The award - winning Lexington High School Band is the premier musical organization at LHS. Students who participate in the Lexington Band develop musicianship skills as well as learning discipline, teamwork, responsibility, and respect. Through participation in band, students make friends, have fun, develop valuable skills, and gain experiences that last a lifetime.

The LHS Marching Band

  • Performs at all football games, three regional Christmas parades, and 5--6 Saturday marching competitions in the fall across Tennessee and surrounding states. Students in the Marching Band are required to participate in band camp in July as well as after school practice sessions during the fall semester.

  • This group is known for consistently winning its class in large competitions across the Mid-South, and for providing fun and entertainment at football games!

The LHS Concert Band

  • Performs a Winter Concert in December, a regional concert Festival in March, and a community Spring Concert in April.

  • This ensemble performs music from a wide variety of genres (Pops, Contemporary, Classical, and more)

The LHS Jazz Band

  • Performs Jazz, Blues, Rock and more at the Spring concerts.

  • This group meets after school in the spring semester.

The LHS Tiger Color Guard

  • The LHS Tiger Color Guard spins, tosses, dances, and gives visual excitement to music! They perform in a variety of indoor and outdoor functions such as football games, marching competitions, and parades.

How do I join?

  • Students who wish to join must express their interest to Mr. Alan Jones and fill out an information form; there is an audition process that helps us find the instrument and part that best fits your talents!

  • Sign up for Instrumental Music for Fall & Spring.

  • Auditions for wind instruments will be in May, color guard in April, and percussion in April.

  • Dates for auditions will go out in announcements and to you personally once your form is turned in to Mr. Alan Jones!

    How much does it cost to be in the Lexington Band?

  • Band fees vary from year to year, but 100% of band fees can be paid through fundraising opportunities. FEE WAIVERS ARE AVALIBALE for students with financial need. Money will never be a reason for a student not to participate in the Lexington Band!
